Olkhov A.A., Zaikov G.E. Nanocomposites Based on Polyethylene and Nanocrystalline Silicon Films

Olkhov Anatoliy Aleksandrovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences,

Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory at the Department

of Chemistry and Technology of Processing Plastics and Polymer Composites,

Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies

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Prosp. Vernadskogo, 86, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation

Zaikov Gennady Efremovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Biological and Chemical Physics of Polymers,

Institute of Biochemical Physics named after N.M. Emanuel, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119334 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. High-strength polyethylene films containing 0.5-1.0 wt. % of nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) were synthesized. Samples of nc-Si with an average core diameter of 7-10 nm were produced by plasmochemical method and by laser-induced decomposition of monosilane. Spectral studies revealed almost complete (up to ~95 %) absorption of UV radiation in 200-400 nm spectral region by 85 micron thick film if the nc-Si content approaches to 1.0 wt. %. The density function of particle size in the starting powders and polymer films containing immobilized silicon nanocrystallites were obtained using the modeling a complete profile of X-ray diffraction patterns, assuming spherical grains and the lognormal distribution. The results of X-ray analysis shown that the crystallite size distribution function remains almost unchanged and the crystallinity of the original polymer increases to about 10 % with the implantation of the initial nc-Si samples in the polymer matrix.

Key words: polyethylene, nanocrystalline silicon, UV-protective film, polymer nanocomposites, high-strength films.

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