Gaponenko Yuliya Vladimirovna

Associate Professor, Department of Finances,

Volgograd Branch of the Russian University of Cooperation

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Kitayskaya St., 22, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Khalo Lyubov Anatolyevna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Finances and Accounting,

Volgograd Institute of Economics, Sociology and Law

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 64, 400011 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Distance learning technologies have a number of advantages that make them very effective in educational process of master students regarding research activity and economic disciplines. The basic advantage consists in the individualization of learning –each master student has s convenient schedule and a comfortable working place, anyone may learn as much as necessary for studying a specific discipline. Distance learning allows students to minimize unproductive use of time. Electronic retrieval system always allows to find quickly the right teaching materials. This gives you the opportunity to master the economic discipline in a shorter time, compared with the system of education in the classroom.

Today, distance learning for master degree is developing rapidly, and if in the recent past only an email address was at the disposal of the tutor, now special learning environments allow you to organize the learning process, which is in no way inferior to the traditional teaching opportunities, and in many ways surpasses them. Benefits of distance learning in the study of economic disciplines are obvious – individualization, flexibility and adaptability of training. Due to interactive communication style and rapid communication in distance education, it is possible to personalize the learning process. Teacher can apply a flexible, individual training schedule, which offers students a greater ability to discover, learn and assimilate learning materials, as well as to use the links to information resources. Distance learning also solves the problem of psychological fear of a student, removes the temporal and spatial limitations, helps people with disabilities to expand the communicative scope.

Moreover, the biggest advantage is that the teacher can create and use any part of the assessment system and store them in a consolidated electronic list.

Key words: professional activity, distance education technologies, master students, economic disciplines, innovative teaching.

Creative Commons License
INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES OF TEACHING ECONOMIC DISCIPLINES TO MASTER STUDENTS by Gaponenko Yu.V., Khalo L.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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