Babkin V.A., Ignatov A.V., Zakharov D.S., Zaikov G.E., Fomichev V.M., Belousov A.S., Gulyukin M.N., Ignatov A.N., Тitova E.S. QUANTUMCHEMICAL CALCULATION OF SOME DIOLS BY METHOD MNDO

Babkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Doctor of chemical sciences, professor of chair of mathematics and natural-science disciplines Sebryakovsky branch of the Volgograd State Architectural and Construction University, academician of the international academy of Sciences of "Kontenant"

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Michurina St. 21, 403343 Mikhailovka, Russian Federation

Ignatov Alexey Viktorovich

Student of Sebryakovsky branch Volgograd State Architectural and Construction University

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Michurina St. 21, 403343 Mikhailovka, Russian Federation

Zakharov Dmitry Sergeyevich

Student of Sebryakovsky branch Volgograd State Architectural and Construction University

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Michurina St. 21, 403343 Mikhailovka, Russian Federation

Zaikov Gennady Efremovich

Doctor of chemical sciences, Professor, Head of Division of biological and chemical physics of Polymer of The Federal State Budget Institution of Science N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics

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Kosygina St. 4, 119334 Moscow, Russian Federation

Fomichev Valery Tarasovich

Doctor of Technical sciences, professor, head of the department of the general and applied chemistry Volgograd State Architectural and Construction University

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Akademicheskaia St. 1, 400074 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Belousov Andrey Sergeyevich

Engineer of Lytkarinsky plant of optical glass

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Parkovaia St. 1, 140080 Lytkarino, Russian Federation

Gulyukin Mikhail Nikolaevich

Chief of design-technology bureau Lytkarinsky plant of optical glass

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Parkovaia St. 1, 140080 Lytkarino, Russian Federation

Ignatov Alexander Nikolaevich

Chief of scientific-industrial complex Lytkarinsky plant of optical glass, Volgograd State Architecturally Building University, Sebrykov departament

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Parkovaia St. 1, 140080 Lytkarino, Russian Federation

Titova Evgenia Stanislavovna

Candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Volgograd State Technical University

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Prospect Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Quantum chemical calculation of the molecules of 3,5-di(cyclotrialumoxandiol) tetraalumoxantetraol-1,1,7,7and 1,7-di(cyclotrialumoxandiol)tetraalumoxantetraol- 1,3,5,7 is executed for the first time by method MNDO with optimization of geometry on all parameters by standardgradient method. The optimized geometrical and electronic structure of these compounds is received. Acid force of 3,5-di(cyclo-trialumoxandiol) tetraalumoxantetraol- 1,1,7,7and 1,7-di(cyclotrialumoxandiol)tetraalumoxantetraol-1,3,5,7 is theoretically appreciated. It is established, that it to relate to a class of very weak H-acids (pKa=14) where pKa-universal index of acidity).

Key words: quantum chemical calculation, method MNDO,3,5-di(cyclotrialumoxandiol) tetraalumoxantetraol-1,1,7,7, 1,7-di(cyclotrialumoxandiol)tetraalumoxantetraol-1,3,5,7, acid force.

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