Babenko A.A., Bahracheva Yu.S., Aleeva A.R. System for filtering unwanted applications of internet resources


Alexey A. Babenko
Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Information Security,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Yulia S. Bahracheva
Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Information Security,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Arina R. Alеeva
Student, Department of Information Security,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Currently, the role of the Internet in the life of society is growing, and the
state’s view of it is changing. Increasingly, the content posted on the Web goes beyond the
laws of individual countries, their social norms, and the political lines of the authorities. Besides,
Internet has a significant impact on intellectual property and telecommunications, jeopardizing
the economic interests of many industries. These trends have contributed to the need to filter
some types of content, and have caused disputes about the permissible limits of state intervention
in the functioning of the network. Content filtering systems and methods were analyzed, and
their applicability for each of the information leakage channels was determined: blocking by
IP address, blocking by DNS record, blocking by URL, filtering by text content, filtering by extensions and file types, filtering search results. The project of a software package for filtering Internet traffic in the C# programming language was developed and its functionality
was described. As a result of the experiments carried out by the filtering system, the following
results were obtained: the correctness of filtering by DNS record, the correctness of filtering
by URL were successfully checked, reports on identified blocked sites in the filtering log were
generated. Thus, the successful conduct of experiments allows us to assert that the software
package of content filtering of Internet traffic performs the tasks assigned to it.

Key words: Internet traffic, filtering, confidential information, information security,
software package.

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