Baranov V. V., Aliyev E.R. Protecting the Management Channel of Robotic Systems


Vladimir V. Baranov

Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of Information Security,

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov


Prosveshcheniya St., 132, 346428 Novocherkassk, Russian Federation

Elnur R. Aliyev

Master Student, Engineer, Department of Information Security,

South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prosveshcheniya St., 132, 346428 Novocherkassk, Russian Federation

Abstract. Automated and robotic systems have an indissoluble connection between computing and physical elements included in them. Today, the representatives of such systems can be found in a wide variety of areas – space, automotive, chemical technology, civil infrastructure, energy, health, manufacturing, transportation, and consumer devices. This class of systems is often considered as cyberphysical systems.

The article presents an example of creating a robotic complex, as an element of the CBS, with a secure control system based on the AES encryption algorithm, which is currently the most crypto-resistant.

In addition, to protect against a brute-force attack on a cryptographic key, the management system must implement a key distribution algorithm to generate a new key each time before executing the command.

The article developed a robotic complex and a system that allows you to manage this complex for a reliable cryptographically stable connection. The main element of this system is the STM32F415 cryptographic chip. It allows you to reduce the load on the CPU to perform control algorithms, freeing it from cryptographic operations, thereby ensuring a gain in time.

Key words: channel control, cyber-physical systems, robotic systems, cryptographic algorithms.

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