Guzhakovskaya K.P., Umnitsyn Yu.P. Protocol SS7 and the Security of Mobile Networks


Kristina P. Guzhakovskaya

Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics),

Associate Professor of Department of Information Security,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Yuriy P. Umnitsyn

Associate Professor of Department of Information Security,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper considers Global System for Mobile Communications, which plays the important role in contemporary society and carries new forms of dialog in the modern world. It is shown, that GSM-nets play two roles: firstly, they serve as communication tools for people who are in any point of world, and secondly, they can be used as tools for confidential data theft due to the old technology for telephone exchange setting, created as early as in the 1970s.

Attacks using SS7 are often executed by hackers. After all, the attacker does not have to be close to the subscriber, and the attack can be made from anywhere on the planet. Therefore, to calculate the attacker is almost impossible, through this vulnerability can be hacked through almost any phone in the world. It will not be difficult to eavesdrop on conversations, intercept SMS, get access to the mobile Bank, social networks because of the vulnerability in the SS7 telephone infrastructure, through which service commands of cellular networks are transmitted. Due to the fact that the vulnerability with the Protocol SS7 is on the side of the operator, protection from such an attack is impossible. Until mobile operators are able to abandon this technology, this threat in the field of information security will remain relevant.

Key words: vulnerabilities of SS7 protocol, GSM communication, IMSI, MSISDN, MSC/VLR.

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