Bakhracheva Yu.S., Kvasova P.A. Efficiency of Socio-Economic and Innovation Processes Management in Modern Cities


Yuliya Sagidullovna Bakhracheva

Candidate of Technical Sciences,

Associate Professor, Department of Information Security,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Polina Andreevna Kvasova

Student, Major in Innovation Studies,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Nowadays there are no universal methods to evaluate the effectiveness of management of socio-economic and innovative processes at the city level. The main reason for this is that effective management of the municipality, it is primarily social efficiency. Social efficiency is a qualitative assessment that evaluates the compliance of local authorities to the needs of the population.

Social effect is usually defined as the creation of favorable conditions for the population on the territory of the municipality, improving the quality of services provided, etc. Thus, the social effect is in most cases not quantifiable, and is determined by the qualitative changes that occur in the territory of the municipality. The effectiveness of the management of municipal formation may be determined by measuring indirect results, such as improvement of the overall socio-economic situation, improving the quality of public services, reduce service time, etc.

The effectiveness of municipal management cannot be measured by any single indicator, it should be determined as the result of a complex interaction of various factors: natural, human, socio-economic, environmental, etc. that influence the adoption and implementation of managerial decisions.

In the work the analysis of efficiency of management of socio-economic and innovation processes at the level of the modern city on the example of the administrative centers of the southern Federal District. To assess the effectiveness of management it is proposed to use the generalized criteria and integrated performance indicators.

Key words: management efficiency, social and economic processes, innovation processes, municipality, performance indicators.

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