Kazakova S.E., Shinkaruk V.M. Specifics of Research of Diagnostic Technical and Criminalistic Signs of the Thermal Sublimation and Inkjet Printinggraphics

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu10.2016.1.5


Svetlana Evgenyevna Kazakova

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher Attestation Commission,

Associate Professor, Department of Documentary Research,

Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

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Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400036 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Vladimir Markovich Shinkaruk

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Nowadays all consumer goods: medicines packages, club, bank and discount plastic cards, different passes, jewelry, pictures of the diagnostic medical equipment, a cover of audio and video production are marked with different labels containing necessary product information.

This work contains a detailed description of generating process of signs at jet printers with continuous supply of dye and with the drop microdispenser, and at the thermographic printers of two types: printers with direct heating and printers with dye transfer.

The authors compare generating methods of a color graphic image printed by jet and thermal printers and color rendering processes. A knowledge of these processes gives a better understanding of ways of generating a color graphic image at the inkjet and thermal sublimation printing. Each of these ways results in the number of specific characteristics both in text and graphics. This needs to be taken into consideration when carrying out technical and criminalistic research of documents printed by any of mentioned ways.

Knowledge of methods of forming color graphic representation in case of an inkjet and thermosublimation printing and characteristic diagnostic signs, both in text, and in graphics, it is necessary to consider when carrying out technical and criminalistic expert research of details of the documents executed by the described seal methods. It will increase justification of conclusions of experts in case of identification of cases of falsification of checks and superimposed consumer goods, bank and discount cards, jeweler products.

Key words: color graphic representation, inkjet printing, thermosublimation press, formation of signs, technical and criminalistic examination.

Creative Commons License
Specifics of Research of Diagnostic Technical and Criminalistic Signs of the Thermal Sublimation and Inkjet Printinggraphics by Kazakova S.E., Shinkaruk V.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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