Veretennikova A.Yu., Katz I.S. Institutes of Social and Innovative Development of the Public Sector



Anna Yuryevna Veretennikova

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Researcher, Center of Economic Theory,

Institute of Economics of the Urals Branch, RAS

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Moskovskaya St., 29, 620014 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Irina Semenovna Kats

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Researcher, Center of Economic Theory,

Institute of Economics of the Urals Branch, RAS

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Moskovskaya St., 29, 620014 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article describes the essence of concepts “social innovation”, “institute of social and innovative development of the public sector”, covers the main forms of reproduction of public goods, including government production, public-private partnership, social entrepreneurship. A comparative analysis of the forms is carried out, their specific characteristics are described, and the analogy with the strategies of development of economic systems is drawn.

This research allowed to investigate the concept of “institutes of social and innovative development of sector of the public benefits” as the main driving force of evolution of national economy public sector.

The essence of social innovations by means of their comparison with technological achievements was revealed that allowed to designate the features of their institutional device.

The authors investigated the institutional forms of reproduction of the public benefits from which the main three forms were distinguished: the state production, public-private partnership, social business which allowed to get deeply into the essence of innovative process in public sector and to study the concrete mechanisms of its realization in the Russian Federation.

The received results allow creating the necessary theoretical basis for development of programs of actual institutional reforming of the public sector demanding deeper introduction of innovations for the purpose of fuller satisfaction of public requirements.

Key words: public sector, social innovations, government regulation, public-private partnership, social entrepreneurship.

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Institutes of Social and Innovative Development of the Public Sector by Veretennikova A.Yu., Katz I.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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