Lobacheva G.K. Innovative Methods of Synthesis of New Polymeric Materials and Their Forensic Examination

Lobacheva Galina Konstantinovna

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Department of Forensic Technology,

Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

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Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400089 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article contains materials of original research in the field of synthesis of new polymeric materials such as rubber, fibers and coatings, and in the creation of innovative forensic techniques of their research.

The article shows the connections that create the organic unity of all physical and chemical phenomena that cause permanent penetration in physical chemistry and technical knowledge, as well as the penetration of chemistry in engineering and technology. The knowledge of this interpenetration helps to create the conditions for a new modern approach of training highly qualified specialists in criminal science.

Chemistry opens a new chapter in the use of innovative methods of polymer synthesis and in the field of forensics.

The subject materials of this article are innovative methods of synthesis of new polymeric materials and penetration of chemicals in the field of forensic examination of new facilities that will allow solving the tasks assigned to the expert investigative practices. The need to develop a relevant expertise of research methods is long overdue on the basis of existing empirical material.

The paper presents the results of synthesis of special high-strength rubber, the relation between the structure and obtained properties of vulcanizates. Using modern optical and morphological studies, as well as applying X-ray spectral analysis enable to establish the chemical composition of the formed supramolecular structures and the mechanism of destruction of the rubber under load. The author developed and described the methods of forensic examination of rubber, fibers and coatings.

Key words: innovations, polymers, rubber, fibers, coating materials, mechanism of rubber destruction, criminal science.

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Innovative Methods of Synthesis of New Polymeric Materials and Their Forensic Examination by Lobacheva G.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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