Korablev G.A., Petrova N.G., Kodolov V.I., Zaikov G.E., Korablev R.G., Osipov A.K. Entropic Nomogram

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu10.2014.6.10 

Korablev Grigoriy Andreevich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Physics,

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

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Studencheskaya St., 11, 426069 Izhevsk, Russian Federation

Petrova Natalya Grigoryevna


Department of Information Security and Communications,

Ministry of Informatization and Communications, Udmurt Republic

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Vadima Sivkova St., 186, 426057 Izhevsk, Russian Federation

Kodolov Vladimir Ivanovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,

Izhevsk State Technical University

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Studencheskaya St., 7, 426000 Izhevsk, Russian Federation

Zaikov Gennady Efremovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Biological and Chemical Physics of Polymers,

Institute of Biochemical Physics named after N. M. Emanuel, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119334 Moscow, Russian Federation

Korablev Roman Grigoryevich

Postgraduate Student,

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

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Studencheskaya St., 11, 426069 Izhevsk, Russian Federation

Osipov Anatoliy Konstantinovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Management and Law,

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

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Studencheskaya St., 11, 426069 Izhevsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. The concept of entropy spatial-energy interactions is used to reflect the similar views on the statistical thermodynamics of entropy. The resulting nomogram is obtained for estimating the entropy of various processes.

The authors discuss the variety of manifestations of entropy, including the biochemical processes in the economy.

In living systems the entropy increase is offset by the negative entropy, which is formed through interaction with the external environment. Thus, a living system is an open system. And businesses can no longer be isolated systems without exchange process and the relationship with the external environment. The role of the external system reducing the increase in business entropy must perform, for example, relevant state and public structures, functionally separated from the business. Perhaps, inevitable process in this direction can be de-monopolization of the largest economic structures, carried out “on top” in an evolutionary way.

In thermodynamics it is considered that the uncontrolled growth of entropy leads to the termination of any macroeconomic systems, that is, to their death. Therefore, the main task is to search for the methods of reducing the uncontrolled growth of entropy in big business. In addition, these critical numbers of entropy relate mainly to big business. A simple reduction of the number of its employees may not give the real result of a decrease in entropy. So, reduction of the number of employees by 10 % would decrease the entropy of only 0.6 % and this despite the general negative effects of unemployment, which inevitably accompanies such a process.

Therefore, such sermonettes not controlled either by the state or society are aimed to reduce the entropy of the business in a more real way of demonopolization without optimization (that is, without reducing the total number of employees).

Now the scientific world is puzzled by the intensification of technological processes on the basis of energy-saving technology, for example. This technique P-parameter can also be used in this promising direction.

Key words: entropy, nomogram, spatial-energy parameter, carbonization, diffusion, business.


Creative Commons License
Entropic Nomogram by Korablev G.A., Petrova N.G., Kodolov V.I., Zaikov G.E., Korablev R.G., Osipov A.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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