Naumova G.A., Borisanova Ya.A., Arzamastseva A.Yu. Interactive Forms of Open Scientific and Educational Workshop


Naumova Galina Alekseevna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Innovation Studies,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitesky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Borisanova Yana Andreevna

Postgraduate Student,

Department of Innovation Studies,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitesky, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Arzamastseva Anna Yuryevna

Master Student,

Department of Innovation Studies,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitesky, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses the innovative chain of the Russian economy which consists of three stages: “Idea” (academic science), “Technology” (applied science), and “Production”. The authors describe the innovative system of Russia in terms of infrastructure devices, the functioning of the financial system and human resources. Special attention is paid to the problem of staff training for the innovation economy in Russia. The authors propose the use of scientific and educational public workshop as a form of interactive courses in training staff for the “economy of knowledge”. The article describes the experience of holding open seminars at the Department of Innovation Studies of Volgograd State University. The members of project teams of scientific and Interdisciplinary Innovative Design educational center take part in these discussions. Four scenarios of public workshops are suggested. The first one refers to the joint research work of students, undergraduates and graduate students. The activity includes the presentation of research projects, collective work of students in the creation of business models, innovative projects, debates in the format of a talk show on current topics in the field of innovation and business. The participants also discuss the latest technological and scientific advances in the field of innovations with practical application in business by means of webinars.

The second scenario implies an open workshop in the form of presentation of research results based on the technology of group project-based learning as an interactive method which is widely used in the leading universities of the world, and is the organization of educational process in the form of implementation of group projects, from the stage of their development to practical implementation. Team work (“brainstorming”) open workshop consists in the creation of business models, innovative projects based on the use of techniques of prominent scientist in the field of business modeling A. Osterwalder. This workshop is based on the method of Karl Popper. It is a game which is played by two teams of three speakers: one group proves a thesis and the other – denies it. The aim of the game is to represent and protect the position of the team more convincingly than opponents.

Discussion of the latest technological and scientific advances in the field of innovation with webinars materials can be used in the educational process, modern computer technology, broadcast, comment and recordings of master classes and lectures for serial entrepreneurs, businessmen, scientists and researchers.

Key words: innovation studies, competences, interactive form of workshops, open workshop, infrastructure, human resources of innovative economy.


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Interactive Forms of Open Scientific and Educational Workshop by Naumova G.A., Borisanova Ya.A., Arzamastseva A.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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