Shikhova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Zoology, Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

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Prosp. Oktyabrsky, 133, 610017 Kirov, Russian Federation

Lisitsyn Evgeniy Mikhaylovich

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Ecology and Zoology, Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

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Prosp. Oktyabrsky, 133, 610010 Kirov, Russian Federation

Batalova Galina Arkadyevna

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Oats Breeding, Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

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Prosp. Oktyabrsky, 133, 610017 Kirov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The influence of aluminum ions on requirements of plants of cereal crops (wheat Triticum aestivum L. and oats Avena sativa L.) in macronutrients is studied. In the first series of experiments it is revealed that doubling of a dose of phosphorus in the acid media has caused doubling of its inclusion in metabolic processes in aluminum-resistant wheat Irgina at early stages of development, but in aluminum-sensitive wheat Priokskaya – only at a flowering stage. The development of root systems in wheat varieties differ in their Al-resistance level in the conditions of full supply with nitrogen and potassium does not depend on the presence of ions of hydrogen, aluminum or phosphorus in soil. Aluminum-sensitive wheat variety is characterized by considerable dependence of photosynthesis on conditions of a mineral nutrition whereas the intensity of photosynthetic processes of aluminum-resistant variety is influenced basically by a development stage. In the second series of experiments rather different reaction of the investigated wheat varieties on input of calcium into acid growth media is pointed out. These differences are related with transformation of absorbed phosphorus into mineral and organic acid-soluble fractions. Decreasing of ratio organic: mineral phosphorus indicates less intensiveness of metabolic processes in aluminum-resistant wheat Irgina at early stage of growth and following increasing of these processes under liming. Opposite, sensitive wheat Priokskaya displays sharp decrease of metabolic activity by the termination of experiment under calcium input.

In the third plants of aluminum-resistant oats variety Krechet were capable to support metabolic processes with participation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the conditions of action of the stressful factor at the same level as in the neutral growth media. Changes of relative requirements in macronutrients specifies in considerable reorganizations of metabolic reactions in plants of Al-sensitive oats variety Argamak under stressor action. The biochemical processes related with action of the photosynthetic apparatus of leaves in stressful conditions have a priority in their supply with macronutrients, that is specified by smaller variability of the triple ratio N:P:K necessary for the maximum development of the leaves of oats in comparison with root systems at aluminum influence.

Key words: spring wheat, oats, aluminum, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.


Creative Commons License
PECULIARITIES OF MINERAL NUTRITION OF CEREALS IN ALUMINUM-ACID SOIL CONDITIONS by Shikhova L. N., Lisitsyn E. M., Batalova G. A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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