Gaponenko Yuliya Vladimirovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Аssociate Professor, Department of Finances, Russian University of Cooperation, Volgograd Branch

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Novosibirskaya St., 76, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. IIn the modern conditions of managing innovation processes, a hierarchical unity of its elements must be taken into account. These elements include society, corporate sector and state. For continuous self-reproduction and self-regulation of economic system there is the need to create an infrastructure system that would provide innovative processes in the region. For the new economy such infrastructure approach to the innovation process is quite logical and justified, since without creating the infrastructure ensuring the efficient growth, innovation is not possible. Therefore, the formation of innovative economic system requires the development of an infrastructure component that provides the entire development process.

In this regard, a clear need to intensify efforts to find ways and the development of guidelines for the effective operation of infrastructural support innovation. In the course of the study, basic directions of innovation infrastructure enterprises are established in the innovation economy. Sometimes the subject of managing innovation activity in the commodity markets and in business is characterized by the filing of applications for trademarks and service marks.

The analysis of the educational component of the innovation infrastructure in the Volgograd region revealed that for the last 5 years the Volgograd region ranked sixth in the Southern Federal District according to the number of trademarks applications. Despite of this fact, it is important to note that there is a positive dynamics trademark registration, and their applicants and owners are industrial enterprises.

Key words: innovations, region infrastructure, region, infrastructure management, economic growth.

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INNOVATIVE PROCESSES IN INFRASTRUCTURAL ENSURING ECONOMIC GROWTH OF THE REGION by Gaponenko Yu.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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