Shevchenko E.M. The Methodology of Ascertaining Experiment on Formation of Informational and Communicative Competence of Future Economists 

Shevchenko Elena Mikhaylovna

Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Heаd оf the Department оf Humanitarian and Mathematical Sciences, Volgograd Brаnсh оf International Slavic Institute

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Akademicheskaya St., 22, 400001 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the pilot study on the problem of forming the informational and communicative competence of future economists at the University in the process of studying the discipline "Computer Science" is to create conditions for the formation of the investigated professional and personal qualities.

The first stage of the research was conducted by ascertaining experiment, the results of which set initial level of development of informational and communicative competence of first course students. Having discussed the structure of educational content we have selected four criteria indicators determining the level of development of informational and communicative competence of future economists:

1) cognitive and reflective – the quality of studying the informational activities and interpersonal interaction in computer networks, development of reflective thinking;

2) psychological and communicative and motivational is readiness to participate in joint information search in the network, to select network partner;

3) creative is readiness for independent formulation of the objectives of creative activity in the network, definition of rational ways of solution of the existing training network tasks;

4) emotional and volitional is presence of experience of making responsible individual and collective decisions, the effectiveness of interpersonal and business communication in the network.

Thus, in accordance with selected criteria-based indicators, characteristics of level groups (high, medium, low) and their corresponding psychological and pedagogical diagnostics toolkit were studied. The importance of ascertaining the full studies is indicated by many teachers and psychologists, because the reliability of obtained results largely depends on the source coordination and parameters of the investigated phenomenon.

Key words: reflection, creativity, personality, methodology, experiment, student, criteria.

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The Methodology of Ascertaining Experiment on Formation of Informational and Communicative Competence of Future Economists by Shevchenko E.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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