Bakhracheva Yu.S. Project Activities as Methodological Basis of Preparation of the Students in the Direction of Innovation 

Bakhracheva Yulia Sagidullovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Department of Innovations, Volgograd State University

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Prosp.Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article studies the method of project training which is based on the systematic approach to organization of students' educational activity, the integration of natural, economic, social and juridical disciplines. The author shows the efficiency of the application of this method on the example of training students with specialization in innovations.

A specialist in innovation field should be able to apply integrated knowledge from different scientific domains in order to make professional decisions. The interdisciplinary approach to training allows teaching students to obtain knowledge from different scientific domains and industries, to group and concentrate them in the context of making specific decisions. The students start the preparation of diploma project at the first course of studying. The diploma is the result of the whole learning process which reflects the intensity of student work in higher education institution. Thus, the educational process is mostly defined by the theme and content of the project.

Key words: innovations, systematic approach, project method, cross-curricular integration, research work.

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Project Activities as Methodological Basis of Preparation of the Students in the Direction of Innovation by Bakhracheva Yu.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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