Nadezhda N. Ermakova

Senior Lecturer, Department of Telecommunications Systems,

Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Ivan F. Gladkov

Student, Department of Telecommunications Systems,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Ivan D. Serezhenko

Student, Department of Telecommunications Systems,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the process of developing data transmission networks, the requirements for the speed of information transmission and the quality of services provided are constantly increasing. This mechanism can also be observed for data transmission networks, where the transmission medium is a radio channel. Because of this, the signals that are used to transmit information are greatly complicated. One of the promising types is orthogonal frequency multiplexing OFDM. In modern communication systems, for example, in cellular communication systems, high-speed local area networks, etc., there is a need to increase bandwidth. The bandwidth can be increased by extending the frequency band or increasing the radiated power. The theoretical foundations of matrix signal processing methods, including singular value decomposition (SVD) and autocorrelation analysis, are reviewed. A simulation model has been developed in MATLAB, which allows us to evaluate the influence of channel parameters on the accuracy of data transmission. The analysis was performed using normalized mean square error (NMSE) and bit error probability (BER). The dependence of noise immunity on noise level and other channel characteristics has been revealed, which confirms the effectiveness of using OFDM-MIMO technologies for high-speed data transmission.

Key words: communication channel, OFDM, MIMO, Simulink, modulation, signal, noise, BER, SNR, probability dependence.


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