Yulia D. Ermisheva

Student, Department of the Information Security,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Tatyana A. Omelchenko

Senior Lecturer, Department of the Information Security,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The process of user authentication in various systems deserves special attention when it comes to the need for reliable confirmation of access rights of access subjects to access objects. The speed of the spread of information flows in modern society, the transition to remote connection to information systems and their use in all spheres of human life encourage attackers to search for ways to bypass methods that allow distinguishing the right users of the system from all others. This means that the task of increasing the reliability of the authentication process in enterprises and organizations is urgent, the basis for the full functioning of which is the possibility of providing remote access to information systems for users. The analysis of existing authentication methods and processes has shown authentication has been carried out exclusively on a single basis cannot always sufficiently confirm the authenticity of the information system subjects, which means that it is necessary to consider the possibility of building a twofactor authentication model. Within the ongoing research, we decided to develop a software tool that implements a two-factor authentication model using a password (the simplest and most common method) and biometric (guaranteeing the highest accuracy compared to the other existing methods of identity verification) components. Among the considered methods of biometric authentication, special attention has been paid to keyboard monitoring, aimed at solving the problem of recognizing keystroke dynamics and allowing to contribute to the construction of a subsystem for information protection in computer systems during user identification and authentication procedures. The main result obtained during the experimental study of the application of the developed software tool is to limit the possibility of obtaining unauthorized access to corporate information due to a more accurate identification of the authentication of the subjects of information systems.

Key words: biometric authentication, identification, keystroke dynamics, data protection, information system.

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