Bochkarev A.A., Babenko A.A. Development of a formal model of the research of methods for determining the reliability of information systems


Alexandr A. Bochkarev
Student, Department of Information Security,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Aleksey A. Babenko
Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Information Security,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The state of reliability is the main indicator of the stable functioning of the
information system. Reliability assessment is a complex indicator that consists of four groups
of properties, namely: durability, reliability, maintainability and complex indicators. In turn,
the reliability properties are composed of indicators of each of the properties. It is on the
basis of these indicators that the reliability of the information system used or designed. The
stable functioning of information systems largely depends on the reliable operation of technical
components of the system, both physical and software. The reasons that suggest an increased
interest in the problems of determining the reliability of information systems are: increasing
the complexity of the hardware of information systems and the emergence of highperformance information systems; slow growth in the level of reliability of its components;
increasing the significance of the hardware work implemented; complexity of the conditions
of use, etc. In practice, probabilistic, dynamic, predictive, and static models for determining
the reliability of information systems are used to assess reliability. Each of these methods
uses the presented reliability indicators as the basis for determining its reliability assessment.
The concepts of information system and reliability are presented. Models and methods for
determining the reliability of information systems are analysed. Criteria for the development
of a formal model of research methods for evaluating the reliability of information systems
are defined. A formal model has been developed for the study of methods for determining
the reliability of information systems.

Key words: information system, reliability, formal model, method analysis, model
development, criteria groups, quantitative assessment, qualitative assessment.

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