Ozhiganova M.I., Yakovenko E.V. Online Technologies in the Educational Process


Marina I. Ozhiganova

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),

Head of the Department “Information Security”,

Sevastopol State University

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Kurchatova St, 7, 299015 Sevastopol, Russian Federation

Elizaveta V. Yakovenko

Master Student, Department “Information Security”,

Sevastopol State University

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Kurchatova St, 7, 299015 Sevastopol, Russian Federation

Abstract. Building human potential with necessary competencies is possible only with the introduction of continuing education, which will form the basis for the development of information society. This is why e-learning exists. It allows us to improve the quality of education through the use of rapidly expanding global educational resources and helps adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions and modernizing production. Reducing the volume of classroom work, increasing independent practical work, the possibility of remote learning, the use of virtual models open up new opportunities in the educational process and motivation for educational activities.

Education, as a condition for the development of society, remains one of the main tasks of mankind. Due to its importance, education, as a process of knowledge transfer, is developing and undergoing significant changes. E-learning is rapidly gaining popularity recently and being introduced in educational institutions of various levels. The presence of a gadget and the Internet, together with the desire to learn, makes it possible to obtain the necessary knowledge anywhere in the world. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning, its opportunities and prospects. The authors consider “Moodle”, one of the most popular and widespread in the e-learning environment, which has already covered not only the main educational process of the university, but also provided the opportunity to organize pre-university and postgraduate studies.

Key words: e-learning, Moodle, educational resource, competencies, virtual models.

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