Fatina T.P. Role of Information Technology in the Human Resource Development


Tatyana P. Fatina

Senior Lecturer,

Volgograd Cooperative Institute, Branch of Russian University of Cooperation

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Novosibirskaya St., 76, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The information environment and social society are closely interrelated: the information environment is formed naturally under the influence of the development of society and its components; however, the information environment is one of the most important conditions for further development of society. It turns out that only in a fairly developed information environment effective mechanisms of management can be implemented and modern high technologies in various spheres of society can be developed and implemented. To do this, the state must ensure the necessary quality of education and create favorable political, social and cultural conditions for a decent life of the country’s population. One of the most promising methods in solving national security problems is the use of an information approach. Thanks to this method it is possible to solve the following security problems:

– quantitative monitoring of adverse and dangerous processes that may pose a threat to national security;

– information forecasting and modeling of economic, political, social, environmental and scientific processes in society in the context of the analysis and evaluation of their subsequent impact on the state of national security;

– using mass media for the appropriate orientation of society in the field of problems of national security and forming a national consciousness determined to solve these problems.

The article deals with the role of information technologies in the development of human resources. The description of the main information revolutions, as well as the analysis of the need for the widespread introduction of a unified information educational environment. The relevance of the article lies in the introduction of a unified information educational environment and fundamentalization of education contributing to the development of human resources.

Key words: human resources, information revolution, education, unified information educational environment, electronic document management, electronic journal.

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