Chernykh S.V. Analysis of the Impact of Cellular Microwave Radiation on People


Sergey V. Chernykh

Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics),

Associate Professor of Department of Telecommunication Systems,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the media there is a huge amount of material on the impact of cellular communication on people. In many materials, there are partially contradictory, and often mutually exclusive, points of view on this problem. Since this problem can be defined as personal for almost any inhabitant of our planet, there is a quite natural desire to find the ‘most correct’ point of view, with which almost every person (or the overwhelming majority) would agree.

In this paper, we analyze the numerous points of view on the effect of microwave radiation from cellular communication on humans, and estimate the intensity of the electromagnetic field of cellular communication for various situations most frequently encountered in everyday life. Based on the analysis and estimates received, an independent technical position on this issue is presented and an attempt is made to forecast the further development of cellular communication.

The further existence of cellular communication is seen in the organization of scientific research in the field of security of cellular communication for the population, its environmental friendliness. This, in turn, will lead to special events, as well as the development and improvement of devices that would reduce the impact of EMF means of cellular communication on users. First of all, it is necessary to protect the subscriber’s head from radiation, which is achieved by creating MT antennas with a special (not affecting the subscriber’s head) directional diagram, or by creating and improving special devices that allow to negotiate MT without leaning MT to the head (such gadgets already exist). Ideally, of course, it is necessary to protect the entire body of the subscriber from the impact of EMF of its own MT, if not all the time, then at least during the conversation on MT, but to solve this problem, additional scientific research is needed.

Key words: microwave radiation, systems of cellular communication, standard GSM 900/1800, negative impact, functions of mobile phones, innovations.

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