Vlasenko A.V., Korkh I.A. Issues of Security of Remote Banking Systems


Aleksandra V. Vlasenko

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor,

Head of Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security,

Kuban State Technological University

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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Irina A. Korkh

Postgraduate Student, Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security,

Kuban State Technological University

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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Abstract. The banking system of the Russian Federation is based on Federal legislation, as well as industry and inter-industry standards developed by the International community and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The introduction and development of remote banking services is the most popular direction in the modern banking system. The term ‘remote banking service’ refers to the technology of providing services for the remote transmission of orders by credit institutions (without clients’ presence in bank office), using different communication channels.

Information security in bank-client systems is carried out by several types of protection. Client authentication is confirmed by the use of an electronic signature. The data channel and the data itself are encrypted. In order to implement the above-described functions of the bank-client system in any software, the client must first generate and register cryptographic keys with the bank and obtain electronic digital certificates. In addition to the protection of the transferred data, personal data that have entered the system of remote banking services also need protection. The research purpose is to analyze the system of remote banking services, to identify regulatory and methodological documents regulating information security issues, options for meeting the requirements of regulators. Confirmation or refutation of the issue’s urgency should be considered as research results.

Key words: bank, remote banking service, information security, cryptographic protection, system of remote banking service.

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