Shvyrev B.A., Pogorelov D.V., Berdnik M.V. Counteraction to Unauthorized Flights of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


Boris Anatolyevich Shvyrev

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security,

Kuban State Technological University

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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Daniil Vyacheslavovich Pogorelov

Student, Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security,

Kuban State Technological University

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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Mariya Viktorovna Berdnik

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security,

Kuban State Technological University

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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Abstract. The development of wireless technologies has formed a significant cluster of devices that both improve the quality of life and bring a variety of difficulties associated with the control of these devices by unknown persons or organizations in order to obtain any of their own or third-party benefits. Such negative embodiments of wireless technologies include wireless means of coverting audio and video capture, wireless aircraft-copters and gliders which can gain impressive speed, etc. Aircraft is an object involved in the covert removal of information, and can be used by criminals for the delivery of certain goods, substances illegal trafficking of which is punishable by Russian legislation. Countering new modern threats to information security is an important and urgent task. Permitted radio frequency ranges are used to detect a channel for information leakage and to control unmanned aerial vehicles that violate the rights of citizens. The article presents the comparative analysis of wireless technologies at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. The authors suggest program measures of counteraction to uncontrolled flights of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Key words: wireless technologies, Bluetooth, Wifi, LoRa WAN, SDR receiver, broadband signal, unmanned aerial vehicle.

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