Власенко А.В., Мусиенко А.А. Преимущества использования IPv6 для «Интернета вещей» с точки зрения информационной безопасности


Aleksandra Vladimirovna Vlasenko

Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor,

Acting Head of Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security,

Kuban State Technological University

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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Aleksey Alekseevich Musienko


Kuban State Technological University

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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Abstract. The Internet of Things is a concept of a computer network of physical objects (“things”) equipped with built-in technologies for interaction with each other or with the external environment, considering the organization of such networks as a phenomenon capable of restructuring economic and social processes, excluding the need for human actions and operations. The Internet of things consists of loosely connected disparate networks, each of which is deployed to solve specific tasks. For example, in modern cars there are multiple networks for controling the operation of the engine and other systems, for supporting third communications, etc. The offices and residential buildings are also equipped with many networks for controlling heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, telephone, security, lighting. As the Internet of things evolves, these and many other networks will be connected to each other and gain a higher level of security. As a result, the Internet of things will gain even more opportunities to open up new, broader perspectives for humanity. This article is devoted to the popular concept the Internet of things. The author analyzes the opportunities, as well as vulnerabilities of this phenomenon. It has benn suggested that the use of Internet Protocol of version 6 will solve many problems of this concept including those related to security.

Key words: Internet of things, Internet protocol of version 6, security, smart house.

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