Lauta О.S., Gudkov M.А., Baranov V.V., Maksimova Е.А. Cognitive Platform for Building the Infocommunication Network of Robotic Special-Purpose Systems


Oleg Sergeevich Lauta

Teacher of the 32 nd Department,

Military Academy of Communication named after S.M. Budenny

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Prosp. Tikhoretsky, 3, K-64, 194064 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Gudkov

Military Academy of Communication named after S.M. Budenny

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Prosp. Tikhoretsky, 3, K-64, 194064 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Vladimir Vitalyevich Baranov

Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor,

Head of Department of Information Security,

Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University

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Prosveshcheniya St., 132, 346400 Novocherkassk, Russian Federation

Elena Aleksandrovna Maksimova

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Head of Department of Information Security,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses neuron-odd system, allowing to optimize the process of monitoring the communication subsystem of the robotic system by taking into account the current situation in the network (the level of load in the nodes, the quality of the transmission paths, the residual capacity of node battery, the distance between the subscribers, the speed of their movement, etc.), as well as the requirements for the transmission of certain types of traffic in case of a group application of robotic systems. Features of the proposed scheme of a fuzzy control system is the consideration of sequence of control: assessing the situation, defining the management goals, identifying the need for control, the search for feasible solutions and ways to achieve the goals and their implementation.

Key words: neuron-odd system, robotic system, communication subsystems, telecommunication networks, infocommunication network.

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