Makedonskiy S.A., Sukharevskaya E.V. The Formal Model of Research on Authentication Systems


Sergey Aleksandrovich Makedonskiy

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist for Information Security of Security Service,

Volgograd Branch of ROSSIYA JS Bank

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Kalinina St., 21, 400001Volgograd, Russian Federation

Ekaterina Vitalyevna Sukharevskaya

Student, Department of Information Security,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Currently, the information systems are the most important resource and necessary tool in almost any field. They help to solve various problems, and this led to the heterogeneity of information systems and information stored in them. It is very important to maintain the security of any information system. Providing information security means organizing a comprehensive system of protection of access to information system, to prevent unauthorized access to data. Therefore, before working with modern information systems, the user shall complete the identification, authentication and authorization. Identification: the subject reports identifying information about themselves (name, etc.). Authentication: the system checks whether the subject is who they claim to be. Authorization: the system checks the user’s rights to access resources. The authentication process is the basis for providing secure access, for establishing a trust relationship between the server and the user. So, it is important to study authentication systems. The paper deals with the problem of information security in modern information systems. The authors describe and analyze existing authentication systems, the principles of their work, their advantages and disadvantages. The criteria for their evaluation have been formulated, and the formal model of research on authentication systems has been developed.

Key words: authentication, authentication system, information, information system, information security, protection of information, biometric, digital signature, password.

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