Ruchkin V.A., Kazakova S.E. Means of Documents Protection Based on Advanced Information Technology


Vitaliy Anatolyevich Ruchkin

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Judicial Examination and Physical Material Science,

Volgograd State University,

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Svetlana Evgenyevna Kazakova

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Documents Research,

Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Interior of Russia

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Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400036 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents the evolution of means for paper documents protection on the example of the Green Card. The authors analyze the whole complex of document protection means.

It is shown that the following components are usisally well protected: coding and conversion of hard-coded data by the format of the media; optical watermark is embedded in the card and cannot be added later; laser engraved serial numbers made on the inner (middle) layer of the card; personalized embedded hologram.

Optical data recording is performed in the following manner: the memory capacity up to 4.1 MB, with the possibility of renewal; information may be added at more than 35,000 updated sectors; access time: approximately 6 seconds to complete biometric testing and a record of the date and time on the map.

Optical media has the following properties: all the information is recorded optically, and a hologram is part of the card. This eliminates the possibility of separate accommodation of the hologram, and therefore its falsifications.

The design of the card has such feature as polycarbonate and optical media being united in a common map structure. Attempts to remove or divide the map into layers destroy the entire map.

The authors make conclusion that this approach to document protection, combining the already proven printing remedies with modern achievements in the field of information technology, can and must be adopted in our country.

Key words: information, document, protection means, Green Card, information technology.

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