Vasilyev A.V., Lartsev A.M. Improving the Parameters of Tractor Diesel on the Basis of Units and Aggregates of High Technical Level


Aleksandr Viktorovich Vasilyev

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Heat Engineering and Hydraulics,

Volgograd State Technical University

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Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Andrey Mikhaylovich Lartsev

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Transport Machines and Engines,

Volgograd State Technical University

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Prosp. Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Emissions of harmful substances with exhaust gases of agricultural and industrial tractors’ engines are currently limited to operating standards. The change in the adjustment of engine parameters such as injection advance angle of fuel, the pressure lifting of the needle spray nozzles allow to control a fairly wide range of effectiveness and toxicity indicators. However, the use of units and aggregates of a higher technical level can be more efficient and expensive way to improve diesel performance.

The influence of the functional characteristics of the fuel injector, high-pressure fuel pump, turbocharger on the economic and ecological performance of air cooling tractor diesel, such as the effective specific fuel consumption, exhaust smoking, harmful emissions with exhaust gases CO, CH, NOx, have been considered. The results of comparative bench tests of the engine (V-400), equipped with the above units from different manufacturers, are given.

The quantitative patterns of improving the engine ecological and economic characteristics using higher-level units have been experimentally obtained. The increase in efficiency of the turbocharger measured at the compressor efficiency (increase of PC from 0.68 to 0.79) for the economical operation of the engine leads to a significant decrease opacity (37-39 %), lower emissions (2.5 g/kWh at nominal mode) and a slight increase in NOx 2 g/kWh at nominal regime. Emission of SN effect of TKR was not detected. The reduction of nitrogen oxides can be achieved when adjusting the engine for low-toxicity mode of operation by reducing the advance angle of fuel injection.

Using fuel Bosch nozzles instead of CST improves the flow of the working process: leads to lower fuel consumption by 3 g/kWh, smoke fumes by 4 % and some reduction in harmful bargain.

Key words: diesel engine, fuel supply system, turbocharging, fuel injector, high-pressure fuel pump, turbocompressor, ecological and economic indicators, experimental research.


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