Kataev M.Yu. Avatar Information Technology in Education


Mikhail Yuryevich Kataev

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Automated Control Systems,

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Prosp. Lenina, 40, 634050 Tomsk, Russian Federation;

Professor, Department of Information Systems,

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

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Prosp. Lenina, 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. Modernization of Russian education connected with the development of the system in the form of informatization and individualization of the learning process of different forms of education (internal, correspondence and remote). The high dynamism of modern life in all its aspects leads to increasing requirements to quality of training. Educational standards associate organization of the educational process with the professional activities of future specialist through the introduction of a competence model of education. The proposed activities are aimed not only at professional preparation but also at providing conditions for realizing creative potential by students.

One of the conditions of development of professional and creative personality of the student is the individualization of the educational trajectory. Development of the educational trajectory requires new approaches related to automation of diagnostics of learning outcomes on the basis of new principles of organization of the educational process. All these aspects lead to a certain technological basis of the educational process that combines computerization of all parties of educational process (lectures, practical and laboratory classes, independent work of the student, etc.). In this regard, the studied issue is relevant in light of the transition to individual learning pathways and transition to the system of continuous education.

The article presents the possibility of using informatization of educational activity in the evaluation of the educational trajectory of the student. Thus, the concept of the avatar in control of the learning process of the student in a virtual learning environment acts as an intelligent assistant. The quantitative aspect of the learning process makes it possible to automatically track the learning process of each student individually. The rating is calculated on the basis of coefficients, which quantitatively represent the learning process.

Key words: informatization of educational activity, avatar, virtual environment, rating of student, testing.


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