Kozlov G.V., Mikitaev A.K. The Reinforcement of Particulate-Filled Polymer Nanocomposites by Nanoparticles Aggregates



Georgiy Vladimirovich Kozlov

Senior Researcher,

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov

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Chernyshevskogo St., 175, 360004 Nalchik, Russian Federation

Abdullah Kasbulatovich Mikitaev

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov

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Chernyshevskogo St., 175, 360004 Nalchik, Russian Federation

Abstract. The applicability of irreversible aggregation model for theoretical description of nanofiller particles aggregation process in polymer nanocomposites has been shown. The main factors, influencing nanoparticles aggregation process, were revealed. It has been shown that strongly expressed particulate nanofiller particles aggregation results in sharp (in about 4 times) formed fractal aggregates real elasticity modulus reduction. Nanofiller particles aggregation is realized by cluster-cluster mechanism and results in the formed fractal aggregates density essential reduction, that is the cause of their elasticity modulus decrease. As distinct from microcomposites, nanocomposites require consideration of interfacial effects for elasticity modulus correct description in virtue of a well-known large fraction of phases division surfaces for them.

Key words: nanocomposite, globular nanocarbon, calcium carbonate, aggregation, interfacial effects, reinforcement.

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