Lobacheva G.K. Optical and Morphological Methods of Investigating Rubbers in Natural Scientific Criminology

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu10.2016.2.6


Galina Konstantinovna Lobacheva

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Department of Forensic Technology,

Volgograd Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

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Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400089 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The concept of natural-scientific criminology is understood by the author as a system of knowledge and methods of natural sciences and engineering in the part and the volume in which they can be used in order to expand the investigation and prevention of crimes. This work in fact is a pattern of developing special forensic techniques. By transmission and scanning electron microscopy combined with x-ray analysis we cannot answer the question – how the structure of rubber affects its properties, and how can we purposefully change the structure of the modified rubber with the aim of obtaining a rubber with the desired properties. In addition, a combination of these methods allows to study the morphology of rubber for identifying and developing a method of analysis of traces of rubber, which could not be done earlier due to minor differences in the compositions of the rubbers. By modifying the rubber complex compounds we made significant differences in the composition of rubber, which allowed to identify and then to solve the more difficult task of search of the criminal who left traces of rubber, let it be traces of rubber shoes, car tire marks and other traces.

The proposed utility model – new samples of criminalistic techniques derived from the natural science knowledge, through the introduction of the achievements of analytical chemistry in service activities of the forensic expert. The use of scientific research will create a powerful source of investigative evidence and information to help establish objective truth in the process of preliminary investigation and subsequent proceedings.

Key words: morphology, composite materials, rubber, raster microscopy, x-ray analysis, force loads, mechanism of destruction, examination.

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