Rudnik-Ivashchenko О.I., Mykhalska L.N., Sсhwartau V.V. Peculiarities of the Heavy Metals Accumulation in the Plants of Medicinal Crops Under the Conditions of the Forest-Steppe



Оlga Ivanovna Rudnik-Ivashchenko

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,

Institute of Horticulture,

National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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Sadovaya St., 6, 03027 Kyiv, Ukraine

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Mykhalska

Candidate of Biological Sciences,

Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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Vasilkovskaya St., 31/17, 03022 Kyiv, Ukraine

Viktor Valentinovich Sсhwartau

Doctor of Biological Sciences,

Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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Vasilkovskaya St., 31/17, 03022 Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract. The role of chemical elements with a valence of two or more is important for the living organism, as just they ensure the action of enzymes – proteins, catalysts of biochemical reactions. The atoms of such elements are components of the active groups of complex proteins.

Accordingly, in low amounts, such elements are necessary for plants and all living things. At the same time, increased concentrations of these elements are disastrous for living organisms. Therefore, the study of the heavy metal biological action became a separate branch of the science.

Trophic chains contribute to the increase of the concentration and accumulation of heavy metals in organisms – consuments. That affects adversely both animals and human beings. Human activity creates the processes of the environmental contamination by heavy metals and undesirable chemical compounds. For example, the derricks of power and transport systems are powerful sources of atmospheric heavy metals: Pb, Mn, Fe, and others, as well as of such compounds as benspiren, oxides of nitrogen and carbon, and the like.

The monitoring of the heavy metals concentration in the environment, particularly in the food and feeds is very important, for it makes it possible to take steps timely aimed at preserving the purity of the environment and human health. The information about the content of heavy metals in dry vegetative mass and other medicinal plants components is of great importance as well.

Key words: medicinal plant, dragonhead, mustard, permissible coefficient, dry vegetative mass, chemical elements.

Creative Commons License
Peculiarities of the Heavy Metals Accumulation in the Plants of Medicinal Crops Under the Conditions of the Forest-Steppe by Rudnik-Ivashchenko О.I., Mykhalska L.N., Sсhwartau V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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