Bakhracheva Yu.S. Improving the System of Motivation and Stimulation of Personnel as a Guarantee of Successful Implementation of Management Innovation in the Enterprise



Yuliya Sagidullovna Bakhracheva

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Department of Physics and Chemistry,

Volgograd Branch of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering

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Bukhantseva St., 48, 400120 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The possibility of creating and improving the system of motivation and stimulation of personnel in companies that adopt the method of “Lean production”. Knowing the features of motivation, it is reasonable to choose the most effective for these types of types and forms of incentives, as well as the most efficient (having the greatest driving force) the forms of organization of wages.

Employee engagement involves regular participation of employees in decisions on how work will be done; proposals on improvement of activity; participation in setting goals, planning and monitoring of performance. Attracting employees is based on the fact that people who participate directly in any activity, know its parts and features are better than the chiefs. On the other hand, employees involved in implementing lean manufacturing, more motivated to the successful implementation of these innovations.

If labour organization knowledge of motivational patterns helps staff better addressed three groups of issues: the formation of working teams (in the region when implementing lean production); evaluation of the probability and trends of the restructuring “under lean production” occupied jobs of different employees of the enterprise; assessment of the probability of compliance with corporate rules, labor and Executive discipline (in the implementation of lean manufacturing and creating a Lean culture).

Key words: lean manufacturing, personnel management, motivation, stimulation, typological model of work motivation.

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Improving the System of Motivation and Stimulation of Personnel as a Guarantee of Successful Implementation of Management Innovation in the Enterprise by Bakhracheva Yu.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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