Lobacheva G.K., Kayrgaliev D.V. Rapid Detection of Explosives in the Air



Galina Konstantinovna Lobacheva

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Department of Forensic Technology,

Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

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Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400089 Volgograd, Russian Federation


Daniyar Vulkairevich Kayrgaliev

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Technology,

Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

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Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400089 Volgograd, Russian Federation


Abstract. Today acts of terrorism and terrorist acts implying the use explosives against life of state or public figures, violent acts paired with the intimidation of society and population, have spread throughout the world. The fight against this illegal phenomenon has a pronounced international character. The use of explosive devices disguised in everyday objects hidden in the vehicles and under clothes, leads to numerous casualties and significant material damage.

National security threats were the impetus for the creation and development of anti-terrorist equipment, aimed at rapid detection and neutralization of terrorist and subversive means.

This paper presents the modern methods of remote detection of explosives in the air, describes authors’ inventions (utility models) – devices for the rapid and effective detection and identification of explosives, allowing to provide inspection activities on transport, airports, on board and customs posts, to prevent terrorist acts and to prevent cases of illegal trafficking of explosives. The basis for the creation of utility models is represented by the methods of colour chemical reactions, both simple and affordable, a method of nanostructuring (formation of supramolecular structures) polar polymers comprising thermoforming films with different functional groups, solvents, photoluminescent materials and indicators of explosives.

We have developed and described new models that effectively detect trace amounts of explosives in the air and on clothing, hands, shoes (the carriers of explosives traces) created on the basis of the color reactions of explosives with indicators, the new observation of fluorescence of polymer films and its attenuation by interaction with certain explosives.

Key words: innovation, utility model, explosive, safety, colour chemical reactions, nanostructured element, sensor monitoring.

Creative Commons License
RAPID DETECTION OF EXPLOSIVES IN THE AIR by Lobacheva G.K., Kayrgaliev D.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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