Sarafanov A.A., Sarafanova A.G. Mobile Advertising: Current State and Development Prospects



Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Sarafanov

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher, Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism,

Lomonosov Moscow State University

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Leninskie gory, 1, GSP-1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation


Anastasiya Gennadyevna Sarafanova

Researcher, Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism,

Lomonosov Moscow State University

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Leninskie gory, 1, GSP-1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation


Abstract. The extensive use of mobile devices by consumers continues to grow in comparison with desktop computers. Today consumers spend more time and pay more attention to mobile devices therefore advertisers need to switch from stationary advertisements to mobile ones to reach the biggest possible number of consumers. Consumers use mobile devices for viewing production more often, but for transactions the desktop computer is traditionally used. Development of the automated systems for advertising purchase will become one of the main vectors of progress of mobile marketing.

Using mobile technologies with a high impact, advertisers have the opportunity to use convenient formats, new models of procurement. Focus on the right users at the right time (by location, gender, age, actions, etc.) has already established itself as a strategy for reaching customers of mobile marketing. But to date, not all the Russian mobile advertising market is

involved, unlike in the Western countries. Russia is claimed fourth in the world in terms of mobile traffic, second only to the USA, India and Indonesia. Thus, with the growth of sales in the mobile segment, companies need to optimize their websites for mobile devices, and make the buying process as easy as possible.

According to the findings of IAB report, half of adults in the US compare the prices online with the usual shops, and 53 % of them then buy online while 49 % prefer the traditional method.

Key words: mobile advertising, technologies, mobile marketing, new environment of interaction, assessment of mobile advertising market.

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MOBILE ADVERTISING: CURRENT STATE AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS by Sarafanov A.A., Sarafanova A.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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