Prokopchuk N.R., Lenartovich L.A. The Method of Increasing the Thermostability of Filled Polymers


Nikolay Romanovich Prokopchuk

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Correspondent Member of NAS of Belarus,

Head of Department of Petrochemical Synthesis Technology and Polymeric Materials Processing, Belarusian State Technological University

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Sverdlova St., 13-a, 220006 Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Liliya Alekseevna Lenartovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Junior Researcher,

Department of Petrochemical Synthesis Technology and Polymeric Materials Processing,

Belarusian State Technological University

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Sverdlova St., 13-a, 220006 Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Abstract. The individual contribution of stabilizers and fillers into the increase of thermal stability of a polymer-matrix of composite materials at their joint presence in the composite is estimated in this paper. The increase of thermal stability of polypropylene composites in the process of pre-saturation of the surface of fillers by thermal stabilizers compared to their individual introduction into the polymer is determined. A method of saturation of the surface of fillers by stabilizers is proposed. The mechanism of a prolonged and direct action of stabilizers desorbing from the surface of the filler is explained. It leads to the increase of the thermal stability of stabilized filled polypropylene compositions obtained by the proposed method by 10-40 % in comparison with the traditional one. It simultaneously reduces the amount of used stabilizers in 1.25 times.

Key words: a stabilizer, a filler, a polymer composite material, adsorption, polypropylene composites.

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The Method of Increasing the Thermostability of Filled Polymers by Prokopchuk N.R., Lenartovich L.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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