Naumovich N.I., Fedorenchik A.A., Aleshchenkova Z.M. Halophilic Microorganisms From Saline Wastes of Starobin Potash Deposit


Nikolay Ivanovich Naumovich

Researcher, Laboratory of Relationships of Soil Microorganisms and Higher Plants, Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus

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Kuprevicha St., 2, 220141 Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Aleksandra Antonovna Fedorenchik

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher,

Laboratory of Relationships of Soil Microorganisms and Higher Plants,

Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus

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Kuprevicha St., 2, 220141 Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Zinaida Mikhaylovna Aleshchenkova

Doctor of Biological Sciences,

Head of Laboratory of Relationships of Soil Microorganisms and Higher Plants,

Institute of Microbiology, NAS of Belarus

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Kuprevicha St., 2, 220141 Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Abstract. 3 cultures of halophilic phosphate-solubilizing bacteria isolated from solid saliferous wastes of Starobin potash mines run by Belaruskali concern are capable to grow in the presence of 10-15 % sodium chloride and to promote germination and growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa).

Key words: halophilic microorganisms, phosphate solubilization, salinization, biotechnology, phytoremediation.

Creative Commons License
Halophilic Microorganisms From Saline Wastes of Starobin Potash Deposit by Naumovich N.I., Fedorenchik A.A., Aleshchenkova Z.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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