Olkhov Anatoliy Aleksandrovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher,

Laboratory of Prospective Compositional Materials and Technologies,

Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

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Stremyanny Pass., 36, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation

Markin Valeriy Sergeevich

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher,

Laboratory of Diffusion Phenomena in Polymer Systems,

N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Kosenko Regina Yudelevna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher,

Laboratory of Diffusion Phenomena in Polymer Systems,

N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Goldshtrakh Marianna Aleksandrovna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Researcher,

Laboratory of Diffusion Phenomena in Polymer Systems,

N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Zaikov Gennadiy Efremovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Department of Biological and Chemical Physics of Polymers,

Institute of Biochemical Physics named after N.M. Emanuel, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119334 Moscow, Russian Federation

Iordanskiy Aleksey Leonidovich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Laboratory of Diffusion Phenomena in Polymer Systems,

N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Pankova Yuliya Nikolaevna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Researcher,

Laboratory of Diffusion Phenomena in Polymer Systems,

N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS

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Kosygina St., 4, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The present article focuses on the study of novel blends based on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and polymers with different hydrophilicity (PELD, PA and PVA).

Polymer blends were produced from five ratios of PHB/PELD in an effort to regulate the resistance to hydrolysis or (bio)degradation through the control of water permeability. The relation between the water transport and morphology (TEM data) shows the impact of polymer component ratio on the regulation of water flux in hydrophobic matrix. To elucidate the role of hydrophilicity of second component presenting in the PHB blends, we studied the PHB/PA blends where PA is the polyamide resin composed of statistical copolymer of hexamethyleneadipinate and caprolactam in ratio 1 : 1. The complex of techniques including DCS and FTIR-imaging (for T-scale) demonstrates the interaction between PHB and PA in the temperature ranges of crystallization and melting. The general approach based on Flory-Huggins equation is presented as the way to choose the pairs of compatible or partly compatible polymers. Mechanical characteristics and water permeability of films on the basis of PVAPHB mixtures depending on their composition were investigated. It was shown that the additive of PHB increments water permeability of a polymeric matrix, but at major dosage of PHB the permeability of films can be reduced because of ability of PHB to fix water. It was determined by DSC, polarization IR-spectroscopy, WAXS and SAXS-experiments that there is a connection between structural architecture of films at crystalline (or at molecular) level with water permeability and mechanical performances. It was shown that the decreasing of strength of films occurs at PHB concentration more than 20 % (for PVA-PHB mixtures). Blending PHB with PA and PVA could be a simple and effective method to design new matrices for drug delivery in medicine, while the same procedure applied for PHB-PELD system with better resistance to hydrolysis and lower price than initial PHB could be used as novel bioerodible packaging materials.

Key words: biodegradable polymer blends, polyhydroxybutyrate, polyamide, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene, structure, water diffusion.

Creative Commons License
BIODEGRADABLE BLENDS BASED ON POLYHYDROXYBUTYRATE: STRUCTURE AND WATER DIFFUSION by Olkhov A. A., Markin V. S., Kosenko R. Yu., Goldshtrakh M. A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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